Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Data mining

Well thank you so much for the reply of my question before. But i still have some questions :

1. I've made a data mining model using DSO and VB 6.0. And i found a listing programs like this :

const adinteger = 3

const adwchar = 130

My question is what does the listing program above means?

2. What kind of data type for adinteger and adwchar? is there are OLE DB data type?

3. In analysis manager, data mining model browser, especcially in content navigator for attribut, there will be Node total value, Yes value, No value and Missing value. My question is What does missing value means? and what's the function of missing value?

I reaaly hope that anyne could answer my question. Thank you so much.

1: The adinteger, etc are the constants for the ADO data types

2: Integer and WChar

3: We always consider that there could be a "missing" state - for example, null values, on all attributes. Generally if there are no missing values, it's contribution approaches zero when data is considered (but doesn't get there due to what is called a "prior" - a factor indicating that all known states are possilble)

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